Description: The expts performed in BEE lab provide an exposure to basic aspects of electrical engg. It also enhances the general awareness and general knowledge about the electrical equipments reqd. in day to day life. For example the expt. ‘Safety precautions’ teaches the students regarding care to be taken while handling different electrical equipments that we need daily. The expt. ‘wiring exercise’ gives information about different wiring components like fuses, switches,lamps, wires,etc. The basic electrical lab is well equipped with all the necessary equipments.
Features: Total Cost of Equipments: 6,83,810.00
Total Cost of Furniture : 64,115.00
Total Cost of Consumables : 8376.00
Total Cost of Lab : 7,56,301.00
Utilization: Used for practicals of FE in semester I and II(Term Work)
Area of Practical: Total Lab Area : 68
Lab Incharge: Mr. Vaibhav C. Patil
Lab Assistant: Ms D. D. Chopade