Electronics Devices & Circuits Lab

Description: Electronics Devices & Circuits Lab is a basic building block lab for an electronic Engineering. In this lab students are taught how to operate the basic devices like Function Generator, DMM, Power Supply etc. The subjects which are conducted in this lab are Integrated Circuits and Electronic Devices practical's. The major equipment's in this lab are Function generator, DMM, Single and Dual Power supply, CRO, Experimental Kits.

Features: The major equipment's in this lab are Function generator, DMM, Single and Dual Power supply, CRO, Experimental Kits.

Utilization: 8Hrs/week (SEM II ) 16Hrs/week (SEM I)

Area of Practical: Integrated circuit (SEM II) Elctronics Electronic Devices and Circuit (SEM I) Electronics Measuring Instruments and Tools (SEM I)

Lab Incharge: Prof.K.D.Pawar

Lab Assistant: Mrs. V.A.Belsare