Heat Transfer Lab

Description: Linking theory with practice is always beset with difficulties and in no branch of engineering science are these greater than in heat transfer. In a modern boiler, for example, heat is conveyed from the fuel to the water-tubes by direct radiation from the firebed, and from incandescent soot particles, carbon dioxide and water vapour in the furnace gases, as well as by reflected radiation from surrounding refractories, and by convection from the gases. The rational approach to such a complex set of conditions is undoubtedly first to determine the fundamental laws of radiation, convection, etc. Major Equipments in this Lab includes Heat transfer in Forced Convection (Computerized), Heat transfer in Natural Convection (Computerized), Heat transfer in through Composite wall


Utilization: Thermal Engineering

Area of Practical: Odd

Lab Incharge: Prof. Nagesh Biradar

Lab Assistant: Mr. Nilkanth