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JSPM's Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi   Accredited "A" Grade by NAAC


Internal Assessment

Assessment for Learning is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there. Assessment for Learning is also known as formative assessment. A continuous assessment system in semester system (also known as internal assessment/comprehensive assessment) is spread through the duration of course and is done by the teacher teaching the course. The internal assessment provides a feedback on teaching learning process. The feedback after being analysed is passed on to the concerned student for implementation and subsequent improvement. As a part of concurrent evaluation, the learners shall be evaluated on a continuous basis by the Institute to ensure that student learning takes place in a graded manner.

Internal assessment components are designed in such a way that the faculty can monitor the student learning & development and intervene wherever required. The faculty shares the outcome of each internal evaluation component with the students, soon after the evaluation, and guide the students for betterment.

Individual faculty member has a flexibility to design the internal assessment components in a manner so as to give a balanced assessment of student capabilities across Knowledge, Skills & Attitude (KSA) dimensions based on variety of assessment tools.

The various components used for internal assessment are:
Case Study / Caselet / Situation Analysis – (Group Activity or Individual Activity)
Class Test
Open Book Test
Field Visit / Study tour and report of the same
Internal Viva-Voce for TW marks
Group Discussion
Written Home Assignment
Industry Analysis
Literature Review / Book Review
Student Driven Activities

The faculty uses any of the above said methods for the internal evaluation on a prior notice given to the students and the marks for the same will be recorded accordingly on a transparent manner.

Strategies adopted

Tutorials conduction for design and analytical based subject.
Compulsory assignment solving for all the subjects.
Technical quiz competition, Group Discussion, poster presentation arranged through departmental student association.
NPTEL videos, e-books, journals are made available at central library of institute.
Industrial visits are arranged .
Expert lecture, seminars, career guidance sessions are arranged at least twice to thrice in the semester.

Direct Assessment

1. Internal and external examination
2. Oral, practical examination
3. Term work assessment
4. Seminar and project work evaluations
5. Assignments and tutorials
6. Case studies and mini projects given for knowledge enrichment.

Indirect Assessment

1. Student feedback
2. Course end/exit survey
3. Feedback from external academic expert and university expert
4. Feedback from industry
5. Parents feedback
6. Alumni feedback
7. Employer feedback etc.

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