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JSPM's Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi   Accredited "A" Grade by NAAC

Department of Computer Engineering

Department Of Computer Engineering


“To be recognised as a centre of quality education and research for aspiring computer engineers who will contribute for development of the society.”


M1: To impart quality education in computer engineering to meet the needs of profession.
M2: To strengthen computer enabled technical skills and develop problem solving abilities in the students for emerging challenges in society.
M3: To inculcate moral values, principles of professional ethics for successful career.

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From the HOD's Desk

"Technology has forever changed the world we live in."
Welcome to the department of Computer Engineering at ICOER. The UG course BE in computer engineering was started in the year 2006 with a modest intake of 60 students. The PG course ME in computer engineering was started in the year 2014 with an intake 24. The department has well qualified dynamic and technically experienced faculty members.
The department has a vibrant student body numbering around 300. To pursue the vision, the department is actively engaged in research activities in various areas. The department has a history of a strong academic growth.
The journey towards excellence continues...

Dr. V. S. Wadne
Head, Department of Computer Engineering

Dr. Vinod Subhash Wadne

HOD & Associate Professor
PhD(CSE) M.Tech, BE


Assistant Professor
M.E. (Computer Engineering)


Assistant Professor
M.E. (Computer Engineering)

About Laboratories

Events /Activity

Teacher’s day 2022

Name of Event: Teacher’s day
Date of the Event : 05th September 2022
Time of the Event : 1.30 PM Onwards
Venue of the Event : Computer Department Seminar hall.

Theme: To commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and also to honor the efforts of all the teachers in shaping young minds.
Description: Teacher’s day was arranged by ACES committee on 05th September 2022.
The objective of event is, to create awareness about the role of teachers in providing quality education
The outcome of this event is: The bonding between the students is increased with teachers and the students have developed their management skills to arrange events.

Conduction : The event was arranged by Association Of Computer Engineering Students (ACES) at Civil Department Seminar hall, JSPM’s ICOER, Wagholi Campus.
The event was started by felicitating to Guests and ACES Core Committee members.

Guest Details:
Dr. R.S.Deshpande (ICOER, Principal)
Dr. Vinod Wadne (ICOER, HOD CSE)
Dr. N.V.Khadake (ICOER, HOD Civil)
Dr. S.K.Wakchaure (ICOER, HOD FE)

• Saraswati pooja
• Felicitating Guests and all teaching and non-teaching staffs
• Address by HOD,Computer
• Speech on teachers day by students
• Fun Events for teachers
• Vote of Thanks

Students & Faculty response & participation :
• Student:
All SE, TE, & BE students of department enjoyed the function together. ACES Committee made discipline committee to maintain discipline among the students to run event smoothly.
• Faculty Response:
All the faculties enjoyed the events organized by ACES committee and helped to carry out the program successfully. Teacher’s participation in all the events was also very good.

Engineers Day 2022

Date of the Event : 15th September 2022
Time of the Event : 10.00 AM to 01.00PM
Venue of the Event : Mechanical Department Seminar hall.

To mark the remembrance of Sir Mokshagundam Viswesvaraya for his contribution to the society as an Engineer and also to appreciate the contribution of Engineers in building nation.

The Competitions for all the students on occasion of Engineers day was conducted on 14th September 2022.Engineer’s day celebration was arranged by CESA committee on 15th September 2022.
The main objective is to mark the remembrance and tribute to Sir Mokshagundam Viswesvaraya and also to appreciate the contribution of Engineers.
Students have understood the importance and responsibility as an Engineer. The students have developed their management skills to arrange events.

Conduction :
The competitions were arranged by Association of Computer Engineering Students (ACES) on 14th The prize winners of various competitions held on 14th September 2022 were awarded on 15th September 2022.
The event was started by felicitating Guests.
September 2022 at Civil Department Seminar hall, JSPM’s ICOER, Wagholi Campus.

Guest Details:
Mr. Avinash Kulkari (Ex-Chairman, IEI, Ahmednagar Local Center)
Mr. Sankalp Kalamkar (Sr. Technical Specialist, Zensar Technologies Ltd.)
Mr.H.L. Thigale (Chief Guest)
Hou.Mr.Rushiraj Sawant (Director, JSPM Trust)
Dr.Sachin Admane (Campus Director, Wagholi)
Dr. R.S.Deshpande (ICOER, Principal)
Dr. Vinod Wadne (ICOER, HOD CSE)
Dr. N.V.Khadake (ICOER, HOD Civil)
Prof. N.S.Biradar (ICOER, HOD Mechanical)
Dr. S.K.Wakchaure (ICOER, HOD FE)
Dr. Sukhwinder K. Bhatia (ICOER, HOD E&TC)

• Saraswati Pooja
• Felicitating Guests
• Address by Principal
• Address by HOD, Computer
• Quiz Competition
• Best Project Idea
• Online Games
• Elocution Competition

Students & Faculty response & participation :
• Student:
Many students from SE, TE, & BE participated in the competition and enjoyed the function together. ACES Committee made discipline committee to maintain discipline among the students to run event smoothly.
• Faculty Response:
All the faculties helped ACES Committee students to carry out the program successfully.

Computer Engineering Department have participated in AICTE Chatra Vishwakarma Award 2021

The students from Final Year [BE] Computer Engineering Department have participated in AICTE Chatra Vishwakarma Award 2021, They have done their project on “Real Time Agro base Solution".
Mr. Amar Yelne,
Ms. Pooja Bhagat,
Mr. Raj Patil,
Mr. Pradip Kotkar,

The process was inclusive of selection of Abstract from various faculties from all over the country. After PPT getting selected a brief video or PPT inclusive of project detail needs to be sent for next round. Our students cleared this round and presented through video conferencing in Regional Convention held at Delhi. They reached till Semi-final round of AICTE Chatra Vishwakarma Award 2021. The college and department are very pleased and proud with their success.

We wish them very best for their future endeavors.

“BE Projects – Do’s and Don’ts Selection to Implementation”

A Webinar was conducted by the department of Computer Engineering, ICOER, Pune for the students of BE (final Year students). More than 150+ participants across different Engineering colleges (Maharashtra) to attended this session.
It is very important for the final year engineering students to undergo for their final year project for the academic purpose. In this regard the webinar helps the students to get a help to selection of innovative ideas in research area, which will proceed to the completion of their project. The main aim of the webinar was to provide the knowledge for project development for the final year engineering students.
Session Speaker :
Dr. Parikshit N. Mahalle
Ph.D.(Computer Engineering),
Senior Member IEEE, LMISTE, LMCSI, Member ACM, Member IAENG (H.K.),
Head of Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science,

JAVA Test For TE students on Saturday,13/7/19

Java is an object-oriented language that enables learners to create real-world applications. Java technology based software works just about everywhere—from the smallest devices to super computers! Java technology components are not impacted by the kind of computer, phone, smart device or operating systems they are running on. The architecture-neutral nature of Java technology is important in a networked world where one cannot predict the kind of devices that partners, suppliers and employees use to connect to their organizations.
The session was conducted in Lab 216. It was a 2 week training program for students where Hands on training was given to students on JAVA .based on this training guest had arranged the test for students.

Red Hat Seminar For TE students on Friday,12/7/19

Red Hat, Inc. is an American multinational software company, owned by IBM, providing open-source software products to the enterprise community. Red Hat has become associated to a large extent with its enterprise operating system Red Hat Enterprise Linux. With the acquisition of open-source enterprise middleware vendor JBoss, Red Hat also offers Red Hat Virtualization (RHV), an enterprise virtualization product.
Red Hat provides storage, operating system platforms, middleware, applications, management products, and support, training, and consulting services. As of March 2016, Red Hat is the second largest corporate contributor to the Linux kernel version 4.14 after Intel.
The seminar was conducted in class room 201. It was a 2 hours program for students where they performed the practical’s which gave the basic idea of the syllabus of the red hat training program.

IOT BASED SEMINAR FOR BE Students on 16/6/19

One of the most dynamic and exciting developments in information and communications technology is the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT). Although networking technologies have become increasingly ubiquitous over the past two decades, until recently they have largely been restricted to connecting traditional end-user devices, such as mainframes, desktop and laptop computers, and, more recently, smartphones and tablets. The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers ( UIDs ) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.
The internet of things offers a number of benefits to organizations, enabling them to:
• monitor their overall business processes;
• improve the customer experience;
• save time and money;
• enhance employee productivity;
• integrate and adapt business models;
• make better business decisions;
• Generate more revenue.
The session was conducted in class room 304 . It was a 2 hours program for students. The session was conducted by Mr. Rahul Agarwal(Technical Head), Shashank Uttekar(Centre Coordinator, LIVEWIRE, Wagholi)

Tree Plantation, ACES Inauguration, Guru-Pournima on 16th July, 2019

The moto to organize this event was celebrating Guru Pournima and Inauguration of ACES along with tree plantation program. The purpose behind this tree plantation is to enlighten the importance of environment and mother nature in students and to communicate with teachers and seniors and receive their blessings, also share their views. Tree plantation program was held at the JSPM Educational Campus, Wagholi where students from Department of Computer Engineering and all the staff members planted saplings.
In the morning at 11:00 am, ACES Cultural club inauguration was done by Head of Department of Department of Computer Engineering. At that time all the Staff members and Students were present.
In the noon at 2:30 pm, The Gurupournima Celebration was held in department in which all Teaching and Non-teaching staff and all the students were present.

Python Training For BE students From 17/6/19 to 29/6/19

Python is one of the top 10 popular programming languages of 2017. Python is a general purpose and high level programming language. You can use Python for developing desktop GUI applications, websites and web applications. Also, Python, as a high level programming language, allows you to focus on core functionality of the application by taking care of common programming tasks. You can always use Python to speed up software development and simplify software maintenance.
The session was conducted in Lab 108. It was a 2 week training program for students where Hands on training was given to students on Python.

C & C++ Training Program for SE

Data Structure is a way of collecting and organizing data in such a way that we can perform operations on these data in an effective way. To understand DS in deep we need to learn C language. And C language is the mother of all language and it makes our fundamental very strong. Mean While to learn the concept of object oriented programming we need to study C++.

JAVA Training For TE students

Java is an object-oriented language that enables learners to create real-world applications. Java technology based software works just about everywhere—from the smallest devices to super computers! Java technology components are not impacted by the kind of computer, phone, smart device or operating systems they are running on. The architecture-neutral nature of Java technology is important in a networked world where one cannot predict the kind of devices that partners, suppliers and employees use to connect to their organizations.

Python Training For BE students

Python is one of the top 10 popular programming languages of 2017. Python is a general purpose and high level programming language. You can use Python for developing desktop GUI applications, websites and web applications. Also, Python, as a high level programming language, allows you to focus on core functionality of the application by taking care of common programming tasks. You can always use Python to speed up software development and simplify software maintenance.

Guest lecture on “Ace The Power of Five, Pune Drive for internship ”

A workshop was conducted in the Computer Engineering department for the students of TE. The Workshop focused on providing internship for TE students. Now a day’s it is very important for the final year engineering students to undergo internship for their final year project for the academic purpose. In this regard the workshop helps the students to get an internship which will proceed to the completion of their project.
The main aim of the workshop was to provide the knowledge about internship for project development for the final year engineering students

Guest Lecture on “Agile Methodologies and its implementation”

A guest lecture was conducted in the Computer Engineering department for the students of TE. The guest lecture focused on agile methodology and its implementation. The event has come out with the necessary talk on agile methodology and its implementation in software engineering.

“Gyanteerth aptitude training ” & “Programming Languages and recent trends in Information technology”

The main aim of the workshop was to provide the aptitude training for getting the placement activities in the campus placement drive.
Students got basic understanding of aptitude training in the computer engineering department. They were made aware about how to solve the aptitude questions for cracking the difficult questions in the campus placement drive.
A Guest lecture was conducted in the Computer Engineering department for the students of TE & BE. Lecture focused on programming languages and recent trends in technology for IT industry. Now a day’s different programming languages and recent trends in IT industry are mostly used as it is more powerful tool in field of information technology. This lecture was especially conducted for students to get a basic understanding of programming languages and recent trends in technology for IT industry.

Faculty Development Program on “Enrichment of Teaching and Learning Resources”

A one week faculty development program was conducted in the Civil Engineering department for the faculties of SE,TE & BE. The FDP focused on enrichment of teaching and learning resources for the engineering faculties. Now a day’s different methods are using in the teaching and learning methodology. In connection with this the workshop helps all the faculties to overcome the drawbacks in the teaching and learning resources.
Faculties got basic understanding of enrichment of teaching and learning resources. The knowledge of this can help faculties to prepare their course files in a neat format and plan the teaching and laboratory assessments in a proper format.

Guest lecture on “Global opportunities for overseas education”

A workshop was conducted in the Computer Engineering department for the students of BE. The Workshop focused on overseas education and recent developments in funding related to overseas education. Now a day’s different countries are offering the education services to Indian students at an affordable cost. This workshop was especially conducted for students to get a basic understanding of overseas education.

Parent Meet

The parents meeting was organized by the Department Of Computer Engineering for all parents whose wards are studying in SE, TE, BE. The meeting was intended to develop interaction between parents & teachers.
As there is a communication gap between students, parents & teachers there is a need for all to come together and discuss various issues.
Significance -
Due to this meeting the parents become aware of the activities conducted in college, the academic progress of their ward. It helps the faculty to communicate with parents efficiently.
Conduction, Guest details :
The meeting was conducted by, Dr. D. P. Gadekar, HOD, Dept. of Comp. Engineering along with all faculty members. There was an interaction between parents and faculties. It helped the parents to express their views, problems & issues regarding the academics & various activities in the college.

Cynosure 2k19 Gamers Creed Event

Department of Computer Engineering organized Cynosure 2k19 Gamers Creed Event in National Level Techno-Management CYNOSURE 2K19 on 17th Jan & 18th Jan 2K19 at JSPM Educational Campus, Wagholi, Pune.

4 days Hands-on Workshop on “Android application development”

A workshop was conducted in the Computer Engineering department for the students of TE & BE. The Workshop focused on android application development and recent developments in android market. Now a day’s different android application programming is widely used in IT industry for developing most of the mobile applications. This workshop was especially conducted for students to get a basic understanding of android application development.

Teachers Day Celebration

The teacher’s day event was conducted in the Computer Engineering department by students of SE, TE & BE for faculty to remember the significance of teachers in the department.

Department Industrial Advisory Board Meet (DIAB) AY 2018-19 Semester –II

In every year college conducted DIAB meeting to evaluate strengths, merits, and weaknesses of the current curriculum in the context of the Department mission and program educational objectives. The aim is to discussion with departmental industry advisory board members for reducing the gap between industry and academic and conclusion of meet.

Student Achievements

!!!!! Congratulation!!!!! ICOER students achieved "Silver Batch" from Red Hat

The students from Final Year [BE] Computer Engineering Department have participated in AICTE Chatra Vishwakarma Award 2021, They have done their project on “Real Time Agro base Solution".
Mr. Amar Yelne,
Ms. Pooja Bhagat,
Mr. Raj Patil,
Mr. Pradip Kotkar,

The process was inclusive of selection of Abstract from various faculties from all over the country. After PPT getting selected a brief video or PPT inclusive of project detail needs to be sent for next round. Our students cleared this round and presented through video conferencing in Regional Convention held at Delhi. They reached till Semi-final round of AICTE Chatra Vishwakarma Award 2021. The college and department are very pleased and proud with their success.

We wish them very best for their future endeavors.

!!!!! Congratulation!!!!! ICOER students achieved "Silver Batch" from Red Hat

We are happy to let you know that, 20 Red hat RHCA certified students of ICOER computer Dept, today participated in Red Hat India challenge competition.  Red hat is the world's leading provider of open source, software’s, Enterprise IT solution; Linux based Operating system, Cloud etc...
First Winner in this competition is Mr.Charul Jagtap, TE Computer Engineering & awarded with Gold Medal & Kindle from Red Hat & also happy to let you know that, Out of 5 competition, our college students won many medals.
As there were 8 finalist from our college ICOER achieved "Silver Batch" from Red Hat

Microsoft Certifications from Microsoft Technologies Associate of Security Fundamentals Certifications training

Students got Microsoft Certifications from Microsoft Technologies Associate of Security Fundamentals Certifications training & exam conducted in Department of Computer Engineering.

Microsoft Certification of Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security:-

Sr. No. Name Of Student Marks
1 Abhijeet Ashok Tilekar 85
2 Aditi Anil Patange 86
3 Aishwarya Gangakumar Kalaskar 77
4 Aishwarya Machhindra Shinde 81
5 Akhilesh Behera 81
6 Akshay Baban Kokare 73
7 Anant Avinash Salunke 77
8 Arun Dattatraya Bairagi 86
9 Atul Mohan Jagtap 71
10 Dakshata Ganesh Sutar 75
11 Dhanashri Narayan Thopate 81
12 Gaurav SubhashRaut 71
13 Gauri Tukaram Mane 81
14 Mayuri Ramchandra Chintalwar 81
15 MohiniZumbar Ingle 81
16 Neha Prakash Shingare 85
17 Neha Shankar Yemul 71
18 Pranav BalajiUttarwar 81
19 PratikshaArunDhobale 81
20 Priyanka KisanJadhav 75
21 Priyanka RamchandraNimbalkar 77
22 Rakesh Dattatray Choundkar 81
23 Shubham Namdev Devkar 75
24 Vaishnavi Venketesh Hava 75
25 Vijay Anil Annam 73
26 Yashashri Ravindra Pachpute 77
27 Akash Bhivraj Khichi 81
28 Kanchan sitaramNirmal 81
29 Karan Sanjaykumar Shah 77
30 Manu Narayan singh Rajput 75

1. 6th rank in Rackathon 2k18, Nagpur. Project entitled “IOT BASED SAMRT SYSTEM FOR HUMAN SAFTEY” by students Akash Wadhavane, Priyanka Ghodke, Amir Attar, Prasad Petkar got 6th rank in Rackathon 2k18, Nagpur.
2. Won 1st prize Project entitled “ANDORID APP DEVELOPMENT FOR AUTOMETED WATER IRRIGATION SYSTEM & CROP ANALYSIS” by students Shubham Bangale, Nityanand Gore, Omkar Muthavat in State level project competation in ICOER, EnTC Department March 2018.

Sr. No. Event/Program Year
1 6th rank in Rackathon 2k18, Nagpur. Project entitled “IOT BASED SAMRT SYSTEM FOR HUMAN SAFTEY” by students Akash Wadhavane, Priyanka Ghodke, Amir Attar, Prasad Petkar got 6th rank in Rackathon 2k18, Nagpur. 2k18
2 "Won 1st prize Project entitled “ANDORID APP DEVELOPMENT FOR AUTOMETED WATER IRRIGATION SYSTEM & CROP ANALYSIS” by students Shubham Bangale, Nityanand Gore, Omkar Muthavat in State Level project competation in ICOER, EnTC Department March 2018." 2k18
3 "A group of students got consolation prize in Grand finale of HACKATHON 2k17 for project entitled “”, Amritsar, Nityanand Gore, Pratik Undre, Shubham Bangale, Ankita Chaudhari, Vrushali Kale, Ankita Kanchan " 2k17
4 "A group of students got consolation prize in Grand finale of HACKATHON 2k17, for project entitled “” Nagpur, Akash Wadhawane, Deepak Mahajan, Hrushikesh Kondke, Bhakti Dhurat, Mayuri Ranmale, Priyanka Ghodake. " 2k17
5 "Rutuja Therade got 1st prize in National Level technical event “Tarang – C / C++ programming” organized by Dhole Patil College of Engineering, Wagholi, Pune. "
6 "36 Students & 2 faculties have Microsoft Certification of Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security in security fundamentals. " 2k17
7 "More than 25 students certified with the collaboration NPTEL Online courses Introduction to modern application development – 03 Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms using Python – 02 Data Science for Engineers – 05 Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT) – 09 Problem solving through programming in C – 04 Cloud Computing – 03 Aircraft Maintenance – 01 " 2k16 & 2k17
8 "Rakesh Chandurkar secured 2nd position in ‘National Level Paper presentation’ organized by Dhole Patil College of Engineering, Wagholi, Pune. "

Congratulations for Successfully Qualified RHCSA Red Hat Certification Examination

Sr. No. Name of the Student Score(out of 300)
1 Mr. Gaurav Raut 300
2 Mr. Charul Jagtap 300
3 Mr. Sumit yadav 300
4 Mr. Sunil Hippargi 300
5 Mr. Gopal Hodavadekar 300
6 Ms. Devayani Tayade 300
7 Mr. Swapnali Ladgekar 300
8 Ms. Shweta Patange 300
9 Mr. Ajit Jamdade 300
10 Ms. Priyanka Rathod 283
11 Mr. Himanshu More 283
12 Ms. Nishigandha Patel 283
13 Ms. Shraddha Raut 283
14 Mr. Abhjit Dutonde 283
15 Mr. Rushikesh Jadhav 283
16 Ms. Kanchan Nirmal 283
17 Ms. Mamta Fasge 283
18 Mr. Dhananjay Merath 267
19 Ms. Shweta Shelke 267
20 Ms. Aishwarya Mule 217
21 Prof. Rahuvendra Krushnaji 300
22 Prof. Vaibhav Bhujade 267

Congratulation to following Students Completed 250 Hrs. Android App Development Training @ Tata STRIVE Skill Development Centre, Pune.

Sr. No. Name of the Student
1 Ms. Disha Pujar
2 Mr. Aniket Sutar
3 Mr. Akshay Khaire
4 Mr. Akshay Bakade
5 Ms. Namrata Kamble
6 Mr. Dnyaneshwar Narwate
7 Mr. Vijay Zite
8 Ms. Puja Sarvarde
9 Ms. Dakshata Sutar
10 Mr. Sanket Kapadnis
11 Ms. Pramodini Akhade

NPTEL Certification AY 2017-18

Sr. No. Name of the Student Subject
1 Tanvesh Sunil Takawale NPTEL certification of Introduction to Modern Application Development
2 Bhor Shweta Subhash NPTEL certification of Introduction to Modern Application Development
3 Akash Balasaheb Wadhawane NPTEL certification of Introduction to Modern Application Development
4 Deven Chandrakant Vasekar NPTEL certification of Programming, Data Structure and Algorithms Using Python
5 Ritesh Sunil Sarade NPTEL certification of Programming, Data Structure and Algorithms Using Python
6 Deshmukh Mandar Nandkumar Data Science For Engineers
7 Ritesh Sunil Sarade Data Science For Engineers
8 Afzal Alim Khan Data Science For Engineers
9 Pragati Sanjay Sanap Data Science For Engineers
10 Vishal Rohidas Shitole Data Science For Engineers
11 Priyanka Kisan Jadhav NPTEL certification of Introduction to Internet of Things
12 Thore Poonam Harishchandra NPTEL certification of Problem Solving Through Programming in C
13 Santpure Shilpa Shivputra Problem Solving Through Programming in CNPTEL certification of
14 Shital Rajdhar mahajan NPTEL certification of Introduction to Internet of Things
15 Pandge Sonali Rajkumar NPTEL certification of Introduction to Internet of Things
16 Nimisha Pollenchery NPTEL certification of Introduction to Internet of Things
17 Pawar Dipali Kisan NPTEL certification of Problem Solving Through Programming in C
18 Aditya Kailash Pranjale NPTEL certification of Cloud Computing
19 Deven Chandrakant Vasekar Aircraft Maintenance
20 Patil pallavi Bansilal NPTEL certification of Problem Solving Through Programming in C
21 Deven Chandrakant Vasekar NPTEL certification of Cloud Computing
22 Raut Gaurav Subhash NPTEL certification of Cloud Computing
23 Swapnil Shukla NPTEL certification of Problem Solving Through Programming in C
24 Gajare sumati Yuvraj NPTEL certification of Problem Solving Through Programming in C
25 Tankale tanuja Rameshwarppa NPTEL certification of Introduction to Internet of Things
26 Priyanka Kisan Jadhav NPTEL certification of Introduction to Internet of Things
27 Gauri Tukaram Mane NPTEL certification of Introduction to Internet of Things
28 Neha Prakash Shingare NPTEL certification of Introduction to Internet of Things
29 Mayank Baraniya NPTEL certification of Introduction to Internet of Things
30 Deepak Raju Ghengat Information Security and Ethical Hacker
31 Thore Poonam NPTEL certification of Programming in c++
32 Pawar Dipali NPTEL certification of Programming in c++
33 Thore Poonam NPTEL certification of Database Management Systems
34 Pawar Dipali NPTEL certification of Database Management Systems

Persistent Foundation - Selection for Kiran-Girls Scholarship Program AY 2018-19

Sr. No. Name of the Student Achievement
1 Pooja Bhagat To receive INR 40,000 scholarship

Zensar ESD Training

TE - 2018-19 Batch

Sr. No. Name of Student
2 Pawar Dipali Kisan
3 Komal Sanjay Tikka
4 Tanvesh Sunil Takawale
5 Gaurav Shankar Salunke
6 Poonam Harishchandra Thore
7 Saurabh Zingade
8 Sapna Fun Bahadur Khatri
9 Dugad Aarti Mahesh
10 Shraddha Santosh Naik
11 Shweta Shailesh Patange
12 Gaikwad Gauri Rajaram
13 Santpure Shilpa Shivputra
14 Mundhe Susmita Tukaram
15 Dhiraj Ashok Patil
16 Aditya Kailash Pranjale
17 Pravin Choudhari
18 Charul Sanjay Jagtap
19 Sumit Kantaram Yadav
21 Devayani Subhash Tayade
22 Dange Amruta Dattatraya
23 Narvekar Shrikrishna Sunildatt
24 Vishal Dhondiram Aher
25 Nikhil Vikas Bhalke
26 Nishigandha Sanjay Patel
27 Navneet Kashyap
28 Prajkta Prakash Nikam
29 Priyanka Nanasaheb Tambe
30 Aishwarya Nandraj Patil
31 Agarwal Nikhil
32 Siddharth Satardekar
33 Landge Megha Balaji
34 Dhaninkula Veermahesh

TE - 2017-18 Batch

Sr. No. Name of Student
1 Aarti Gajanan Hatkar
2 Akash Bhivraj Khichi
3 Akshay Javali
4 Gaurav Nanasaheb Chindhe
5 Gauri Tukaram Mane
6 Jare Suraj Devram
7 Kand Ashwini Chandrakant
8 Kantekure Shivlila Basavraj
9 Mayank Baraniya
10 Nimisha Pollenchery
11 Patil Punam Prakash
12 Pranav Vilas Khote
13 Pratik Rajendra Pawar
14 Pratik Sunil Patil
15 Pratiksha Uttam Budhawant
16 Shital Rajdhar Mahajan
17 Shubham Shashikant Dashpute
18 Sudhir Kumar
19 Therade Rutuja Ravindra
20 Waghadure Asha Dnyanoba

TE - 2016-17 Batch

Sr. No. Name of Student
1 Priyanka Nimbalkar
2 Gaurav Mate
3 Seema More
4 Muthawat Rajkumar
5 Mayuri Ranmale
6 Hrushikesh Bompilwar
7 Vrushali Kale
8 Pragati Sanap
9 Shweta Bhor
10 Rajdeep Sengupta
11 Anjalee
12 BhaktiDhurat
13 Shruti Yadav
14 Priya Dhumal
15 Ganesh Hake
16 Sayali Gaikwad
17 Akshay Gaikwad
18 Raj Shede

Student's Association

ACES: Association of Computer Engineering Students

ACES Purpose
The purpose of the organization is to support the academic, professional, and social needs of the students in the College of Engineering. The organization will maintain communication between disciplines, student groups, and the engineering community to meet these needs.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing statement, the objectives of the organization shall be:
1. To provide academic support for students through representation on relevant committees, as well as development and promotion of academic services and events.
2. To support the professional development of students through representation to relevant groups and development and promotion of professional services and events.
3. To support the social needs of its members by organizing and promoting social events and services.
4. To support the initiatives of student groups within the engineering community.
5. To provide to the community a positive image of engineering as a college and as a profession.

Tree plantation

ACES Inauguration

Teacher Day Celebration

Ganpati Festival

Independence Day Celebration


Toppers Felicitation

Angular JS Session by Techno Growth Technologies


Guest Lecture on Developing Operating System

Microsoft Technologies Associate of Security Fundamentals Certification Exam

Workshop on Cyber Security And Ethical Hacking

Teachers Day Celebration

Industrial Visit at C-DAC

Industrial Visit at GMRT and TIFR

“Stars of the Computer Department 2018-19 ”

Stars of the department is a activity conducted to provide the insights of the students who have contributed to the development of the department. The session was conducted by ACES in the Computer Engineering department for the students of BE. The session focused on the achievements BE students.

Contact Us

Head Of Department T & P Coordinator
Dr. Vinod S. Wadne
Head, Department of Computer Engineering
A321, ICOER, Wagholi, Pune
020-67335100(Ext. 228)
Prof. Shubham R. Bhandari
T & P Coordinator
Admission Coordinator
Prof. Vitthal Kshirsagar
Admission Coordinator


From AY 2021-22 batch, Total 32 Students placed in Wipro

Sr. No. Name Of Student Course Name
1 Vaibhav Atmaram Khandagale Computer Science & Engineering
2 Sumeet Ramdas Balwade Computer Science & Engineering
3 Apurva Sanjay Joshi Computer Science & Engineering
4 Onkar Bhausaheb Wanve Computer Science & Engineering
5 Sagar Rajendra Mahajan Computer Science & Engineering
6 Sachin Rajaram Powar Computer Science & Engineering
7 SONALI DIXIT Computer Science & Engineering
8 Anjali Jai Singh Computer Science & Engineering
9 Suraj Prakash Padalkar Computer Science & Engineering
10 SIDDHESH SANJAY WABLE Computer Science & Engineering
11 Sayali Ashok Pawar Computer Science & Engineering
12 Sagar Bhausaheb Pol Computer Science & Engineering
13 Pranita Navnath Tathe Computer Science & Engineering
14 Sneha Govind Kale Computer Science & Engineering
15 Preeti Raju Biradar Computer Science & Engineering
16 Aishwarya Umakant Biradar Computer Science & Engineering
17 Niranjan Dattatray Gaikwad Computer Science & Engineering
18 Mayur Ranjeet Lipne Computer Science & Engineering
19 Nilesh Bhagawan Sanap Computer Science & Engineering

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