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JSPM's Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi   Accredited "A" Grade by NAAC

Department of Civil Engineering

Innovations by Faculty in Teaching & Learning

Department Of Civil Engineering


To provide healthy academic environment for Civil Engineering students to serve the society.


M1: To nurture engineering graduates for professional career through dynamic teaching- learning environment.
M2: To create an ambiance for innovations and research in Civil Engineering areas.
M3: To serve society through leadership, moral and ethical values in Civil Engineering areas.

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From the HOD's Desk

Heartily Welcome to Civil Engineering Department at JSPM’s Imperial College of Engineering & Research, Wagholi – Pune.
The department offers a four year course leading to the Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering with intake 180 & Two Year course leading to the Master’s Degree in Construction Management (intake 24) & Structural Engineering (intake 24) from Savitribai Phule Pune University.
The Civil Engineering discipline was introduced at this institute in 2007-08 with 60 intake. The intake was later enhanced to 120 in 2012 – 13. Further, it was enhanced to 180 in 2014 -15.
From beginning world class laboratories, especially Concrete Technology, Material Testing, Soil Testing, Transportation, Fluid Mechanics, separate Computer Labs, Surveying, Research Lab etc. were developed & being enriched with equipment’s & tools.
Majority of graduates and Post Graduates are well placed in India and abroad. Many of them have also gone for higher studies in country and abroad.
The department is run by very active, well qualified, Dynamic & well professionally experienced 35 faculty members.
The department is equipped with latest facilities & equipment’s for extensive training to both the undergraduate and postgraduate students. In addition to these there are also numerous consultancy and testing works. Further, department organizes National and International conferences, workshops, training programs. Department have frequent interactions with Industry persons, Parents, Technocrats & Academicians for overall development of students. The department has academic alliance with ISRO – IIRS as “Out-reach Learning Program”.
Right from its inception, the department has been doing it’s best to bring about excellence in Civil Engineering academics.

“Think Good, Do Good & Be Good for the upliftment of the society.”

Dr. Navanath V. Khadake
Head, Department of Civil Engineering

Prof. Abhijit Narendra Bhirud

Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (Pursuing)


M.E. Structure, Ph.D. Pursuing

Prof. Shrinivas Ranganath Suryawanshi

Assistant Professor

Prof. Vijaykumar Prakash Bhusare

Assistant Professor
ME Structural Engineering

Prof. Azharuddin N. Humnabad

Assistant Professor
ME Structural Engineering

Prof. Kuldeep Sarjerao Patil

Assistant Professor
ME Structural Engineering, Ph.D. Pursuing

Prof. Rahul B. Kesarkar

Assistant Professor
ME Construction & Management

About Laboratories

Events /Activity

Newsletter 2021-2022

Newsletter 2021-2022

Newsletter 2020-2021

Newsletter 2020-2021

Engineers Day 2K22

Date of the Event :15th September 2022

Time of the Event :  10.00 AM to 01.00PM

Venue of the Event :Mechanical Department Seminar hall.


To mark the remembrance of Sir MokshagundamViswesvaraya for his contribution to the society as an Engineer and also to appreciate the contribution of Engineers in building nation.


The Competitions for all the students on occasion of Engineers day was conducted on 14th September 2022.Engineer’s day celebration was arranged by CESA committee on 15th September 2022.

          The main objective is to mark the remembrance and tribute to Sir MokshagundamViswesvaraya and also to appreciate the contribution of Engineers.

Students have understood the importance and responsibility as an Engineer.  The students have developed their management skills to arrange events.

Conduction :

              The competitions were arranged by Civil Engineering Students Association (CESA) on 14th The prize winners of various competitions held on 14th September 2022 were awarded on 15th September 2022.

The event was started by felicitating Guests.

September 2022 at Civil Department Seminar hall, JSPM’s ICOER, Wagholi Campus.

Guest Details:                                                          

Mr. AvinashKulkari (Ex-Chairman, IEI, Ahmednagar Local Center)

Mr. SankalpKalamkar (Sr. Technical Specialist, Zensar Technologies Ltd.)

Mr.H.L. Thigale (Chief Guest)

Hou.Mr.RushirajSawant (Director, JSPM Trust)

Dr.SachinAdmane (Campus Director, Wagholi)

Dr. R.S.Deshpande (ICOER, Principal)

Dr. N.V.Khadake (ICOER, HOD Civil)

Prof. N.S.Biradar (ICOER, HOD Mechanical)

Dr. S.K.Wakchaure (ICOER, HOD FE)

Dr. VinodWadne (ICOER, HOD CSE)

Dr. Sukhwinder K. Bhatia (ICOER, HOD E&TC)


  • Saraswatipooja
  • Felicitating Guests
  • Address by Pricipal
  • Address by HOD,Civil
  • Quiz Competition
  • Model making Competition
  • Poster presentation Competition
  • Elocution Competition

Students & Faculty response & participation:

  • Student:

                Many students from SE, TE, & BE participated in the competition and enjoyed the function together. CESA Committee made discipline committee to maintain discipline among the students to run event smoothly.

  • Faculty Response:

               All the faculties helped CESA Committee students to carry out the program successfully.


Date of the Event : 05th September 2022

Time of the Event: 1.30 PM Onwards

Venue of the Event : Civil Department Seminar hall.


To commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and also to honor the efforts of all the teachers in shaping young minds.


Teacher’s day was arranged by CESA committee on 05th September 2022.

The objective of event is, to create awareness about the role of teachers in providing quality education

The outcome of this event is: The bonding between the students is increased with teachers and the students have developed their management skills to arrange events.

Conduction :

The event was arranged by Civil Engineering Students Association (CESA) at Civil Department Seminar hall, JSPM’s ICOER, Wagholi Campus.

The event was started by felicitating to Guests and CESA Core Committee members.

Guest Details:

Dr. R.S.Deshpande (ICOER, Principal)

Dr. N.V.Khadake (ICOER, HOD Civil)

Prof. N.S.Biradar (ICOER, HOD Mechanical)

Dr. S.K.Wakchaure (ICOER, HOD FE)


  • Saraswati pooja
  • Felicitating Guests and all teaching and non-teaching staffs
  • Address by HOD,Civil
  • Speech on teachers day by students
  • Fun Events for teachers
  • Vote of Thanks

Students & Faculty response & participation :

  • Student:

All SE, TE, & BE students of department enjoyed the function together. CESA Committee made discipline committee to maintain discipline among the students to run event smoothly.

  • Faculty Response:

All the faculties enjoyed the events organized by CESA committee and helped to carry out the program successfully. Teacher’s participation in all the events was also very good.

Parents Meet 2019-20 : SE A, B &C Div.

Date of the Event : 27/04/2020, 28/04/2020, 29/04/2020
Time of the Event: 10.30 AM Onwards
Venue of the Event : ZOOM App. Meeting
To nurture parents and children's relationship, the relationship should be very transparent and healthy. Making this relationship transparent and healthy the teacher plays a vital role, by taking care of the students in college. For this the teacher and parent should meet frequently, hence the parent teacher meet was organized by the department on Zoom Application. In this meet parents would be given information which includes detailed information of department, activities conducted by department and about studies and academics.
Theme :
Parents Meet is organized on the theme that all the barriers in the way of student’s success are to be removed by interaction with parents. It gives a platform to parents to share their views about the department, Institute and the teaching learning methods adopted by the staff members.
To make the parents aware about department, providing information on various activities run by department in the period of lockdown, discussing about upcoming plans in the departments, helping to create an environment where students are encouraged to seek appropriate support, taking feedback on teaching and learning.
Conduction :
The meet started on Zoom Application (Online Media), H.O.D Dr. N. V. Khadake Addressed the parents by giving brief idea about Department Academic Activities, department progress, Prelim- Examination conducted by dept., Activities organized for students in coming week, extra efforts Taken by the department to prevent any academic loss of the ward. Then the forum was opened for the parents, in this session parents came up with their doubts about SPPU Examination, Many parents were praising the work done by department.
Guest Details:
1. Hon. Principal Dr. R. S. Deshpande, ICOER
2. Vice Principal Dr. A. W. Dhawale, ICOER
3. Dr. N.V. Khadke, H.O.D-Civil
4. Prof. A. A. Warudkar, IInd Shift Coordinator Civil
The webinar was started with brief introduction of guest by Prof. P.G.Bongale . After this, Mr. Prashant Patil explained how to understand Real Estate, challenges, skills, information about current market scenario & facing problems etc. The webinar was extended with question answer session in between students and experts to clear doubts. It was concluded by vote of thanks given by one of the Student.
Students & Faculty response & participation :
Parents had very good interaction with staff members. H.O.D. sir informed parents how value addition programs are important with the study and even told about which all value added courses are planned in department. He also counseled some of the parents personally with one to one interaction.
SE A (27/04/2020)-No. of Participants: 55,No of Parents: 41
SE B (28/04/2020)-No. of Participants: 59,No of Parents: 43
SE C (29/04/2020)-No. of Participants: 55,No of Parents: 39

Webinar on “ Real Estate Management”

Date of the Event : 06-05-2020
Time of the Event: 12.00 Noon Onwards
Venue of the Event : Go To Webinar Meeting
Description and Introduction:
The webinar was conducted, on 6th May 2020, 12.00 PM. Total 43 participants have actively participated including all faculties in this webinar.
Theme :
The theme of webinar was to aware students about Challenges in Real Estate Industry and to acquire various skills to work in Real Estate.
To get a platform to understand Real Estate, challenges, skills, information about current market scenario & facing problems etc.
Conduction :
The webinar was arranged by Dr. N. V. Khadake (HOD Civil Department), Prof. A. A. Warudkar 2nd Shift coordinator and Prof. P. G. Bongale on GoToWebinar meeting.
Guest Details:The guest of the event was Er. Prashant Patil, Founder, Apex Consultancy Pune. Co-founder “Prajinfra Builder”, ITI college Bhusaval.
The webinar was started with brief introduction of guest by Prof. P.G.Bongale . After this, Mr. Prashant Patil explained how to understand Real Estate, challenges, skills, information about current market scenario & facing problems etc.
The webinar was extended with question answer session in between students and experts to clear doubts. It was concluded by vote of thanks given by one of the Student.
Students & Faculty response & participation :
All faculties of Civil department have actively participated in this webinar. Many points were discussed which are important to students.

Webinar on “ Recent Advances in Concrete Technology”

Date of the Event : 08-05-2020
Time of the Event: 11.20AM Onwards
Venue of the Event : ZOOM Meeting
Description and Introduction:
The global lockdown due to health crisis brought about by COVID 19 has motivated the need to rethink on how , when restrictions are placed on gathering to conduct Expert Lectures without students being in the same physical space yet maintaining the possibility of interaction & discussion. Hence Webinar Series is organized by the Department of Civil Engineering presents the next webinar on the topic "Recent Advances in Concrete Technology''.  The topics covered will be useful to students & faculty.
Theme :
The theme of webinar is to understand the High strength concrete and its ingredients.
To get a platform to have understanding of the RPC, pervious concrete & geopolymer concrete
Conduction :
The webinar was arranged by Civil Engineering Department faculty Mr. V. P. Bhusare & Mr. S. R. Suryawanshi.
Guest Details: The Expert of the webinar was Dr. Parameshwar Hiremath (Associate Professor, BEC Bagalkot )
Dr. Parameshwar Hiremath, Associate  Professor at BEC Bagalkot, Karnataka . He published  9 Papers in SCOPUS & SCI index Journals.  He presented 7 papers at diffrent National & International Conferences. He is the author of 2 book chapters for Taylor Francis & Springer Books. He is the reviewer of the Elsevier (SCI) Journal " Construction & Building Materials". He is currently part of  the collberative research work for Royal Academy of Engineering, United Kingdom.
The visit was started with brief introduction of Webinar series organized by the Civil engineering Department by the HOD, followed by the Expert introduction by the Mr. S.R.Suryawanshi.
The Session was extended with question answer session in between students and experts to clear doubts. It was concluded by vote of thanks given by Mr. S.V.Khirade (Asst.Professor)
Students & Faculty response & participation :
For the webinar there are about 25 faculties have registered & 50 students of the Civil Engineering Department.

Webinar on “Opportunities to Civil Engineers in Government Sector.”

Date of the Event : 07-05-2020
Time of the Event: 11.20 AM Onwards.
Venue of the Event : Online By ZOOM Meeting
The webinar was conducted, on 7th May 2020, 11.20 AM. Total 86 participants have actively participated including all faculties in this webinar.
To get a platform to understand government exams, their patterns, study material, information about preparation & facing such exams etc.
Conduction :
The webinar was arranged by Dr. N. V. Khadake (HOD Civil Department) on ZOOM meeting.
Guest Details: The guest of the event was
Mr. Omkar Shendure Sir, Executive Engineer, Pune, Irrigation Division, Govt. of Maharashtra.
The webinar was started with brief introduction of guest by Prof. S. J. Mohite. After this, Omkar Shendure Sir explained various golden opportunities to civil engineers in government sector, different exams, their patterns, available material, about preparation & facing such exams with ease.
The webinar was extended with question answer session in between students and experts to clear doubts. It was concluded by vote of thanks given by one of the Student.
Students & Faculty response & participation :
All faculties of Civil department have actively participated in this webinar. The following points were discussed which are important to students.

Successful Online Teaching Learning due to COVID-19 Lockdown

Following the guidelines from AICTE, DTE, and Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. on the background of Corona virus, the Department of Civil Engineering has adopted an online education system to prevent educational loss to the students of Imperial College.
This online learning method is being adopted by all other departments. The Corona virus is currently spreading around the world and while efforts are being made at all levels to prevent the spread of the virus, Imperial College of Engineering is also implementing online educational activities.
This includes video lectures, self-handwritten notes, assignments, MOODLE conferencing as well as direct interaction with students through ZOOM App., resolving their queries, depending on the subject and syllabus of the students. In addition to this, videos of demonstrations are being sent to the students as per the syllabus.
Unit tests and pre-examinations are also being conducted online on each unit so that every unit of the students can be reviewed at home. 95-98% of the students are responding to the online prelim test. A special project competition is being organized for the final year students. Students and their parents are also urged to take care of themselves and their families by calling from time to time. Study material is being sent to the students by forming Whats App groups. Students are also being encouraged about free educational courses that complement their studies. And most importantly, Parents Meet is also being organized online using different mediums for each class.
Classes have been closed since March 18. Therefore, further This educational process was started from March 20. Students and teachers on vacation due to lockdown, but efforts are being made to ensure that students do not suffer from any academic loss. Professors are also participating in various online faculty development programs.
All the professors are working in this online process under the guidance of the President of Imperial College of Engineering, Hon. MLA Dr. Tanajirao Sawant Saheb, The president of the group, Hon. Shivajirao Sawant Saheb and Campus Director Dr. Vivek Kayande, Dr. S. N. Patil, Principal of the College. Dr. R. S. Deshpande, Vice Principal. Dr. A. W. Dr. Dhawale as well as the Head of the Department of Civil Engineering. Dr. N. V. Khadake and Second Shift Coordinator Prof. A. A. Warudkar.
Students and parents are also responding to this online learning method.

Efforts During COVID-19 News Letter

The Corona virus is currently spreading around the world and while efforts are being made at all levels from all social sides to prevent the spread of the virus.
Department of Civil Engineering is also implementing online educational activities to avoid academic loss of students during this Lockdown.
In this Newsletter, different activities conducted for the students areMentioned.

Zero Mile

Date of the Event : 04/02/2020 and 05/02/2020
Time of the Event: 9.00am to 6.00pm
Venue of the Event :Civil Department, ICOER Wagholi.
The Civil Engineering Department has been hosting the “Zero Mile Competition”. The educational and professional goals of this competition include a recognition of the importance of basic surveying principles to all civil engineering projects. Students will be required to use standard field equipment and procedures to solve common problems encountered in industry. A clear understanding of and ability to apply basic surveying principles will assist the graduate civil engineer in communicating and working with the surveying professionals on the job site.
The main purpose behind organizing this event was to understand the importance of basic surveying principles to all civil engineering projects, also to understand use of standard field equipment’s in Setting out of a Building.
Conduction :
Prof. S.J. Mohite, Prof. Rahul B. Kesarkar explained the students the recent technology in Surveying related to Civil Industry. Head of Institute Hon. Dr. R. S. Deshpande, Vice –Principle DR. A. W. Dhawale and Head of department Dr. N. V. Khadake visited the event, Interacted with student and also guided them about future scope of Surveying.
Guest Details/ Expert :Dr. N. V. Khadake, HOD, Civil Dept., Wagholi,Pune
Students & Faculty response & participation :
ICOER faculties and students visualized the bridge design. Students showed positive response for Event. 15 Groups (2-4 each) of students are participated in Zero Mile event .

Parents Meet 2019-20

Date of the Event : 08th February 2020, Saturday
Time of the Event: 1:30pm onwards 
Venue of the Event : Aarybhatta Seminar Hall, Civil Department.
To nurture parents and children's relationship, the relationship should be very transparent and healthy. Making this relationship transparent and healthy the teacher plays a vital role, by taking care of the students in schools and college. For this the teacher and parent should meet frequently, hence the parent teacher meet was organized in the department as every semesters practice. In this meet parents would be given information which includes detailed information of department, activities conducted by department and about studies and academics.
Parents Meet is organized on the theme that all the barriers in the way of student’s success are to be removed by interaction with parents. It gives a platform to parents to share their views about the department, Institute and the teaching learning methods adopted by the staff members. They even can give suggestion regarding improvements required and put forward if some problems regarding their ward
To make the parents aware about department, providing information on respective roles of students, discussing about upcoming plans in the departments, helping to create an environment where students are encouraged to disclose their needs and seek appropriate support, taking feedback on teaching and learning.
Conduction :
The meet started in the Aarybhatta Seminar Hall of Civil Department, H.O.D. Addressed the parents by giving brief idea about NACC accreditation, department progress, MoU's signed, guest lecture organized for students, extra activities and the planed training and company placements of the complete semester. Then the forum was opened for the parents, in this session parents came up with their problem/ doubts, even with some suggestions also.
Guest Details/ Expert :Details of Guest:Hon. Dr. N.V. Khadke, H.O.D-Civil
Students & Faculty response & participation :
Parents had very good interaction with staff members. H.O.D. sir informed parents how value addition programs are important with the study and even told about which all value added courses are planned in department. He also counseled some of the parents personally with one to one interaction. Further respected Prof. S S Lohar discussed related to academics with them Later all the GFM's interacted with parents individual.
Around 28 parents attended the "Parents Meet 2019-20".

Convocation Ceremony

Date of the Event : 08th Feb 2020
Time of the Event: 12.00 PM to 2.00PM
Venue of the Event : Civil Seminar hall
Description :
A convocation ceremony was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering on Saturday, 08 Feb 2020. Prof. U. J. Phatak, was invited as Chief Guest.
The Chief guest for the Convocation was ex member of Civil Department ICOER faculty squad and now current member of JSPM/TSSM Group, Working as an Assistant Professor in PVPIT Bavdhan.
To issue degree certificate to pass out students of 2019-20 batch.
The main purpose behind organizing this event was to honor the students and celebration of success along with degree distribution.
Conduction, Guest details, Activity :
The event was arranged by Department of Civil Engineering ICOER Wagholi. The students of 2018-19 pass out batch were the part of this event.
Guest Details/ Expert :Prof. U. J. Phatak, TSSM, PVPIT Bavdhan Pune.
Activity :
Prof. S. J. Mohite described the objectives of the convocation. The Chief Guest Prof. U. J. Phatak, in his address he pointed out that Learning is a Continuous Process by the Hard work and Dedication by teachers in shaping the graduates as an responsible   citizens of the country.
HOD Dr.N.V Khadake shared his experience and explained that self-motivation, hard work & success are inter related terms. Combination of these three will definitely help in achievement of one’s goal.
Our senior faculty Prof. S. R Suryawanshi and Prof Y. K. Poul motivated students by sharing their experience.
In this ceremony, 130 students were awarded with degree certificate.
Parents expressed joyful gratitude to the faculty and the management in molding their wards as professionals in the course of study in our Institution.
Students & Faculty response & participation :
ICOER faculties were overwhelmed by seeing the response and meeting to their Alumni students.
Students showed positive response for the getting their degree Certificate.

IES/ GATE / Competitive Exam Guidance Session

Date of the Event : 13th Jan 2020
Time of the Event: 10.45 PM to 12.45PM
Venue of the Event : Civil Seminar Hall, A Building ,Imperial college of Engineering & Research
Description :
Seminar on IES/ GATE / Competitive Exam Guidance Session on 13th Jan 2020.
A guest lecture on IES/ GATE / Competitive Exam Guidance Session was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering under Training and Placement Cell on Monday, 13 Jan 2020. Mr. Pankaj Gadhave, IES Officer, Minister of Defense who has cleared IES in first attempt was the speaker.
To motivate students for prospective career in Government Sector.
The main purpose behind organizing this event was to create awareness of students in the competitive examination.
Conduction :
The event was arranged by Department of Civil Engineering and Training placement cell A Building ICOER Wagholi. The students of final year Civil engineering were the part of this event.
Guest Details/ Expert :Mr. Pankaj Gadhave, IES Officer, Minister of Defense Pune
Activity :
Prof. S. V. Khirade described the objectives of the seminar. Mr. Pankaj Gadhave shared his journey of success. He explained the basics of the competitive exams like various posts for which exams are conducted, their method of conduction and finally duties and perks of these posts. Further, he interacted with the students as to how to prepare and study for such exams, what memory techniques can be used to remember the huge data, method of study, use of various website which provide assistance for competitive exam aspirants. He gave the tips for the preparation of interview and dos & don’ts of the interview.
Students & Faculty response & participation :
ICOER faculties felt the need of motivating students for building the career in government sector.
Students showed positive response for the Seminar on IES/ GATE / Competitive Exam Guidance Session.

Awareness of Academic Continuous Assessment & Its Documentation.

Date of the Event : 12,13 & 14 Dec 2019
Time of the Event: 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM
Venue of the Event : Seminar hall, Civil Department.
This FDP aim to aware about NBA process as Outcome-Based Education (OBE) model is being adopted at a fast pace at Engineering colleges in India at the moment. It is considered as a giant leap forward to improve technical education in India and help Indian Engineers compete with their global counterparts. This FDP also helps to Identify, design and apply appropriate assessment methods for PO’s and CO’s and to Assess and evaluate attainment of CO’s, PSO’s and PO’s and its documentation.
The theme of the faculty development program is interaction of faculty members with NBA process as Outcome-Based Education (OBE) & appropriate assessment methods for PO’s and CO’s and to Assess and evaluate attainment of CO’s, PSO’s and PO’s and its documentation.
To get a platform for faculty member & train the faculty with different tools of academic assessment and its documentation.
Conduction :
The three days FDP was organized by Civil Engineering Department under the guidance of Dr. N. V. Khadake , Dr. A. W. Dhawale and Prof. A. A. Warudkar.
Guest Details/ Expert :
1. Dr. N. V. Khadake, HOD Civil Dept., ICOER.
2. Dr. A. W. Dhawale, Vice Principal, JSPM’s, ICOER, Wagholi.
3. Dr. Parul Arora, Dean- IQAC, ICOER.
4. Prof. A. A. Warudkar, IInd Shift Co-ordinator, Civil Dept., ICOER.
5. Prof. C. S. Chavan, Asst. Prof. in Civil Engg., ICOER.
6. Prof. S. R. Suryawanshi, Asst. Prof. in Civil Engg., ICOER.
Activity :
The FDP was inaugurated by Hon. Principal Dr. R. S. Despande, Vice Principal, Dr. A. W. Dhawale, HOD Civil Dept. Dr. N. V. Khadake and IInd shift coordinator Civil Dept. Prof. A. A. Warudkar. Brief introduction was given about the FDP such as Awareness of Academic Continuous Assessment & Its Documentation
The inauguration followed by Presentation on awareness of NBA process by Dr. N. V. Khadake & also explained CO’s, PO’s, PSO’s with Bloom’s level. In the second session Prof. C. S. Chavan has covered appropriate assessment methods for PO’s and CO’s and to Assess and evaluate attainment of CO’s, PSO’s and PO’s and its documentation.
Dr. Parul Arora, has explained difference between NAAC & NBA, NBA application & its documentation process. At the end of three days FDP Valedictory function was arranged. The function was graced by Vice Principal Dr. A. W. Dhawale, HOD Civil Dept. Dr. N. V. Khadake and IInd shift coordinator Civil Dept. Prof. A. A. Warudkar, Dean- IQAC Dr. Parul Arora.
Students & Faculty response & participation :
The response and participation of Faculty members ensured the success of the event. The gained knowledge by faculties will be very much helpful for NBA process.

Revit MEP Seminar

Date of the Event : 14th Jan 2020
Time of the Event: 10.45 AM to 12.45 PM
Venue of the Event : Seminar hall, Civil Department.
Revit MEP is a building information modeling (BIM) software created by Autodesk for professionals who work in MEP engineering. MEP stands for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing which are the three engineering disciplines that are addressed by Revit MEP. The software is powerful enough to leverage dynamic information in intelligent models. The software is used to streamline the engineering design process making product design and development more efficient.
To learn new software for MEP Design.
The main purpose behind organizing this event was to create awareness of new software in MEP design.
Conduction :
The event was arranged by Department of Civil Engineering and Training placement cell A Building ICOER Wagholi. The students of Third year Civil engineering were the part of this event.
Guest Details/ Expert :Mr. Viraj Bhagawat, Cadd Centre, Wagholi,Pune
Activity :
Prof. K. S. Patil described the objectives of the seminar. Mr. Viraj Bhagawat explained the MEP design of building.
Students & Faculty response & participation :
ICOER faculties felt the importance of MEP design to be taught to students. Students showed positive response for the Seminar.

Green Video making competition

Date of the Event : Wednesday 5th February 2020
Time of the Event: 1:30pm onwards 
Venue of the Event : ICT Class Room A 101, A Building, Imperial college of Engineering & Research
Description :
Green Video Making competition was organized by Civil Engg Department, ICOER, Wagholi in Cynosure 2020 on 5th Feb 2020.
Green Video Making competition was regarding actual video clip of 3 Minutes based on sustainable solutions for clean and healthy environment ,water conservation , global warming issues was organized .
Go Green.
The main purpose behind organizing this event was student to aware students about environment, sustainable solution, green technology & pollution by the use of easily accessible technology i.e. Mobile phone.
Conduction :
The event was arranged by Prof. R.A.Binayke and Prof.S.V.Khirade and student coordinators of Civil engineering department, ICOER Wagholi.
Guest Details/ Expert :Dr.S.R.Todmal,Dean Academics, Dr. A. W. Dhawale, Vice Principal,Dr.N.V.Khadake was the chairperson. All faculties and students are present for the event.
Activity :
Event inaugurated by the Dr. R. S. Deshpande Principal and HOD Civil Engg Department. various student of other college are participated for event were student coordinators are organized quiz contest etc. The prize distribution was done by the. HOD and senior Faculty.
Students & Faculty response & participation :
Teacher participation was very enthusiastic and full of energy. Faculties of Civil Engg Department and other department also present for the function. The hall was full of students and faculty members. The audience enjoyed the whole event till end. 

Alumni Meet 2020

Date of the Event : 8th Feb 2020
Time of the Event: 11.45 AM to 12.45 PM
Venue of the Event : Seminar hall, Civil Department.
The alumni Meet of department of Civil Engineering, was inaugurated by the HOD of Civil Department ICOER Wagholi, Prof. Dr. N.V. Khadke on 8th Feb 2020 at 11.45 am.
The theme of Alumni meet was to strengthen the bond between the ICOER and alumni. The basic idea was to-
Highlight the achievements of Alumni
Develop a successful entrepreneur from the current students.
Motivations and encouragement to the department by various sources such as placements, guest lectures, etc.
Interaction with the outside world, study of market conditions.
The current students of ICOER get a platform to interact with their pass out seniors and to get a technical as well as market experience.
Conduction :
The event was arranged by Dept. of Civil Engg. at Civil Seminar Hall ICOER. The stage was prepared by Non-teaching staff of Civil Department. The seminar hall was full with the presence of alumni, students, faculties and parents.
Guest Details/ Expert : Prof. U.J.Phatak (PVPIT Bavdhan, Pune)
Activity :
The Alumni started arriving in college by 9.00 a.m. and they were received by the registration team and were taken on a campus tour where they revisited the familiar place where they had studied and were shown the various developments that had taken place since then. The meet started traditionally with the lighting of lamp by the chief guest and was followed by the saraswati vandan. The occasion was graced by more than 100 Alumni ranging across various batches from various parts of the country. Speaking on the occasion, the director underlined and praised the achievements of Alumni of ICOER-Civil. He felt that it was matter of great pride for ICOER that its Alumni are holding positions of responsibility in various Government organizations, PSUs, Private sector, Academic Institutions. Many of them are successful entrepreneurs providing jobs to others as well. He praised their contribution towards the growth of their Alma Mater and emphasized the need for further strengthening the linkage between the Alumni and ICOER and current students.
The Inaugural session was also attended by various Deans, Registrar, HODs, and faculty and staff members of ICOER. The HOD of Civil Department ICOER Wagholi, Prof. Dr. N.V. Khadke highlighted the achievements of ICOER and called for greater Alumni Participation. The gathering was also addressed by the representatives of local chapters. The vote of the thanks was given by Prof. Mr. K.S. Patil, in charge of Training and placement cell.
Students & Faculty response & participation :
The management committee witnessed active involvement of the alumnus, and a number of commendable suggestions and proposals came up, some of which were approved and the left were set aside for later action. It was decided to strengthen the link between the current ICOER students and alumni for their support to current students in the area of training, placement, career counseling and any other help.
The Meet ended with promise to meet again and everyone bid emotional farewell to each other and their beloved ICOER.

FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM on,Project Planning Management

Date of the Event : 10 & 11 Dec 2019,
Time of the Event: 10. 00 am to 4.00 pm
Venue of the Event : Civil Seminar hall

Description :
To bring a project to fruition, the project manager will need to assemble project plan. The project plan describes the cost, scope and schedule for the project. It lays out exactly what activities and task will be required, as well as the resources needed, from personnel to equipment to financing, and where they can be acquired. Good project planning also factors in risk and how to manage it, including contingency plans, and details a communication strategy to keep all stake holders up to date and on board.
The theme of the faculty development program is interaction of faculty members with project planning experts to explore all advanced project planning management tools.
To get a platform for faulty member to get hands on experience with different tools of project planning management.
Conduction, Guest details, Activity :
The two days FDP was organized by Civil Engineering Department under the guidance of Dr. N. V. Khadake, Dr. A. W. Dhawale and Prof. A. A. Warudkar sponsored by CADD Center.
Guest Details/ Expert :
1. Mr. Viraj Bhagwat , Expert in MS Project, MSP Server, PRIMAVERA and WEB PRIMAVERA
2. Mr. Swapnil Gawade, Expert in MS Project, MSP Server, PRIMAVERA and WEB PRIMAVERA
3. Prof. A.A.Warudkar, Asst. Prof. in Civil Engg. ICOER
4. Prof A.N.Bhirud, Asst. Prof. in Civil Engg. ICOER
Activity :
The FDP was inaugurated by Hon. Principal Dr. R. S. Despande, Vice Principal Dr.A.W.Dhawale, HOD Civil Dept. Dr. N. V. Khadake and IInd shift coordinator Civil Dept. Prof. A. A.Warudkar. Brief introduction was given about the FDP such as importance of project planning, different aspects during planning of any project and schedule to be followed.
The inauguration followed by Presentation on Basics of Project planning Management by Prof. A. N. Bhirud. Also in the second session Prof. A. A. Warudkar has covered CPM and PERT techniques of PPM.
Mr. Viraj Bhagwat, Expert in MS Project has started with Basics of Planning, Scheduling and Costing. Also He has covered advanced tools in Application MSP. After explaining various tools he has taken practical session on MSP in which various tasks are given to faculty members to complete.
At the end of two days FDP Valedictory function was arranged. The function was graced by Vice Principal Dr .A. W. Dhawale, HOD Civil Dept. Dr.N.V.Khadake and IInd shift coordinator Civil Dept. Prof. A. A. Warudkar, Mr. Mr. Viraj Bhagwat.
Students & Faculty response & participation :
Staff participation :

All staff was participated, participation and response of staff was The response and participation of Faculty members ensured the success of the event. The gained knowledge by faculties will be very much helpful for students and their future.

Departmental Training and placement activity information

Heartiest Congratulations…
Department of Civil Engineering successfully conducted a pool campus Drive under placement cell. Total 22 students are selected by Sthapatya Consultant Pvt. Ltd. Drive organized by JSPM’s Imperial College of Engineering and Research Wagholi, Department of Civil Engineering, Training and Placement Cell.
Total 22 students are Selected in Sthapatya Consultant Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai with the starting Package of 2.16 Lac + free Accommodation. In which 13 students are from batch 2018-19.
Name of Students:
1. Mr. Akash Aghav
2. Mr.Rahul Sukale
3. Mr. Pankaj Charpale
4. Mr. Abhishek Sabale
5. Mr. Kiran Shinde
6. Mr.Akshay Gondagare
7. Mr.Dilip Narangale
8. Mr.Laxman Kale
9. Mr.Prathmesh Raut
10. Mr.Sujit Kolte
11. Mr. Viresh Munnoli
12. Mr.Damajipant Gadade
13. Mr. Prashant Shirsat

Seminar on,‘Glimpses of Transportation Research at transportation lab’

Name of event: ‘Glimpses of Transportation Research at transportation lab’
Day & Date of the Event : 20/6/2019 , Thursday
Time of the Event : 1.00 pm to 3.30pm
Venue of the Event : Civil Seminar hall

Description :
Introduction: The seminar for all Civil engineering staffs was conducted, on 20/6/2019, 1.00 am onwards.
Theme :
The theme of seminar was to understand entire research process and recent updates in transportation engineering to new as well as first time subject teaching faculty with its practical approach.
Significance :
To get a platform for research activity by sharing knowledge with staff.
The FDP was arranged by Civil Engineering department at civil seminar hall.
Guest Details/ Expert :
The expert of the event was Dr.Ashish Varma IISC Bangalore an Associate professor.
Activity :
The seminar was started with brief importance of research by expert. After brief information, expert explained entire teaching methodology in details. A complete discussion was done by all staff members. The seminar was extended with question answer session in between staff and experts to clear doubts. It was concluded by vote of thanks given by Prof. Warudkar Abhijit.

Students & Faculty response & participation :
Staff participation :
All staff were participated, participation and response of staff was dynamic which will helpful in their understanding of transportation related research. Faculty response:
All Faculties actively participated in the seminar. The following points were discussed which are the thrust areas of seminar.
1. Problems in transportation engineering for research.
2. Ongoing research in transportation.
3. New trends of research.
4. Research opportunities in this domain.

Faculty Development Programme on ‘Constructivist Teaching’

Name of event: Faculty Development Programme on ‘Constructivist Teaching’
Day & Date of the Event : 10/6/2019 , Monday to Friday
Time of the Event : 10.00 pm to 4.30pm
Venue of the Event : Civil Seminar hall

Description :
The FDP for all current semester subjects for second, third and fourth Year Civil engineering staffs was conducted, on 10/6/2019 to 14/06/2019, 10.00 am onwards.
Theme :
The theme of FDP was to understand entire subjects in all respects to new as well as first time subject teaching faculty with its throughout knowledge of theory and practical’s.
Significance :
To get a platform to teach subject to get to good result by sharing knowledge of staff.
The FDP was arranged by Civil Engineering department at civil seminar hall .
Guest Details/ Expert :
The experts of the event were Dr. D. D. Shah, Dr. A. S. Pote, Dr. N. V. Khadake , Dr. A. V. Shirgire and Prof. P. K. Pasnur.
Activity :
The FDP was started with brief importance of teaching by all experts. After brief information all experts have explained entire teaching methodology in details. Daily all staff performed practical’s in lab of all subjects after 2.00 pm. A complete discussion was done by all staff members. The FDP was extended with question answer session in between staff and experts to clear doubts. It was concluded by vote of thanks given by Prof. Uday Phatak.

Students & Faculty response & participation:
Staff’s participation:
All staff were participated, participation and response of staff was dynamic which will helpful in their understanding of subjects.
Faculty response:
All Faculties actively participated in the FDP. The following points were discussed which are the thrust areas of FDP
Teaching pedology.
Various types of teaching techniques.
New trends of teaching.
Research opportunities in this domain.

GHAZAL NIGHT(Date: 14/01/2019):


Department of civil Engineering successfully organizing Parents meet in every semester. We are getting huge response every semester for parents meet. This semester around 60 plus parents were present for parents meet. We are trying to bridging the gap between institute and parents through parents meet. As there is always scope for improvement we are trying to improve our system year by year.
We are getting the positive feedback from parents. Our efforts taken towards development of students are appreciated by parents.

Aptitude Training for Final year Civil Students.

Aptitude tests are often used to assess academic potential or career suitability.  The “Aptitude” of an individual is their inherent or natural ability to perform well in a certain task or field of study or work.

Research Methodology,Indian Patent Drafting and Filing Procedure

Department of Civil Engineering ICOER and SPPU jointly organize the Workshop on "Research Methodology,Indian Patent Drafting and Filing Procedure

5th PG Civil Conference 2018

PG Conference is very important conference for all Civil PG students from Savitribai Phule Pune University to represent their research work in front of various experts. This was the 5th Civil PG Con organized by Department of Civil Engineering, JSPM’s ICOER,Wagholi,Pune. All 2nd Year PG students grabed this opportunity to publish their research work also to get valuable suggestion from experts
Guest Details:
The eminent person for the event was Mr. Er. VIKAS S.PATIL Principle Consultant –Savi Designers & Consultants, Dr.Pimplikar, Dr.Ravi Joshi,Dr.V.A.Bugade, Dr. V.M.Kayande
Students participation:
All PG students of 2nd year near about more than 230 from various institutes and different domain like Construction Management, Structures, Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Water Recourses engineering have participated with their presentation. Experts from various engineering colleges , specially PG coordinators of various institutes have guided their students for presentation

Industrial steel structures And gantry girder at Koregaon Bhima, Pune

Industrial Visit For BE Final Year Students at Precast India Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. Wagholi

Student Achivements

Success stories at International Level

Success Stories At Government Sector

NPTEL Online Certification 2022


The students from Final Year[BE] Civil Engineering Department have participated in AICTE Chatra Vishwakarma Award 2021. The final year students Mr. Omkar Harale, Ms Anjali Jadhav, Ms Mayuri Kottawar & Mr.Rushabh Bhalgat students have done their project on "GIS Based Multicriteria Decision Analysis of Riverine Flooding: A Study Deluge 2019." under the guidance of Prof.P.G.Bongale and Co-Guide Prof.S.J.Mohite with the help of Head of Department Dr.N.V.Khadake and Principal of our college Dr.R.S.Deshpande.
The process was inclusive of selection of Abstract from various faculties from all over the country. After PPT getting selected a brief video or PPT inclusive of project detail needs to be sent for next round. Our students cleared this round and presented through video conferencing in Regional Convention held at Delhi. They reached till Semi-final round of AICTE Chatra Vishwakarma Award 2021. And the college and department is very pleased and proud with their success.
We wish them very best for their future endeavors.

Sr No. Name of student Event/Program Award Year
1 Suraj Patil Bridge it, Perception 2011, VIIT, Pune 1st Rank 2011
2 Unmesh Polekar Bridge it, Perception 2011, VIIT, Pune 1st Rank 2011
3 Vijay Jadhav Bridge it, Perception 2011, VIIT, Pune 1st Rank 2011
4 Nitesh Chourasiya Bridge it, Perception 2011, VIIT, Pune 2nd Rank 2011
5 Anmol Bhaosagar Bridge it, Perception 2011, VIIT, Pune 2nd Rank 2011
6 Anup Varade Bridge it, Perception 2011, VIIT, Pune 2nd Rank 2011
7 Ranjeet Dadge Bridge it, Perception 2011, VIIT, Pune 2nd Rank 2011
8 Radhika Bhandare Paper presentation, Perception 11, VIIT, Pune 2nd Rank 2011
9 Lekha Bhosale Paper presentation, Perception 11, VIIT, Pune 2nd Rank 2011
10 Vishwas Nachare Paper presentation, Mind spark 11, COEP, Pune 3rd Rank 2011
11 Swapnil Gajarmal Paper presentation, Mind spark 11, COEP, Pune 3rd Rank 2011
12 Tushar Gaikwad Paper presentation, Mind spark 11, COEP, Pune 3rd Rank 2011
13 Ganesh Patil Paper presentation, Mind spark 11, COEP, Pune 3rd Rank 2011
14 Vipul Naidu Bridge it, Perception 12, VIIT, Pune 1st Rank 2012
15 Amey Jilhewar Bridge it, Perception 12, VIIT, Pune 1st Rank 2012
16 Yogesh Patil Concrete, Perception 12, VIIT, Pune 1st Rank 2012
17 Suraj Concrete, Perception 12, VIIT, Pune 1st Rank 2012
18 Radhika Bhandare Town planning, Nirmal techfest 13, SCSCOE, Pune 1st Rank 2013
19 Kamini Tapkir Town planning, Nirmal techfest 13, SCSCOE, Pune 2nd Rank 2013
20 Atul Soni Concrete, Perception 14, VIIT, Pune 1st Rank 2014
21 Uday Jagtap Concrete, Perception 14, VIIT, Pune 1st Rank 2014
22 Karan Shelke Techkindle, Mega technical event 2015, GHRIOET, Pune 2nd Rank 2015
23 Abdul Waheed Khan Techkindle, Mega technical event 2015, GHRIOET, Pune 2nd Rank 2015
24 Siddiki Sahebaj Techkindle, Mega technical event 2015, GHRIOET, Pune 2nd Rank 2015

Student's Association


Student activities in the Department invite students who are happily willing to carry on the rich tradition of the Department. Various student activities will find help in the development of the body, mind and spirit and in the nurture of those graces which make a person truly educated. Co-curricular activities facilitate in the development of various domains of mind and personality such as intellectual development, emotional development, social development, moral development and aesthetic development. Creativity, Enthusiasm, and Energetic, Positive thinking are some of the facets of personality development and the outcomes of extracurricular activities.


1. To help in the Development of higher moral character through traditional and values.
2. To involve students in social action and social responsibility through service learning program.
3. To let the students discover their talents through co-curricular activities, sports and cultural events.
4. To provide opportunities for leadership through competition and cooperation and confidence building.
5. To promote a positive attitude towards creativity, allowing students to actively engage in the learning process.
6. To help in the development of skills needed to keep up with modern technology in a professional world.

CESA organizes different activities throughout the academic year such as:
1. Guest Lectures.
2. Teacher’s Day Celebration.
3. Engineer’s Day Celebration.
4. Group Discussion (G.D).


Date of the Event : 15th September 2020; Tuesday
Time of the Event: 12.00 Noon Onwards
Venue of the Event : Online : ZOOM Meeting
Digital Celebration of Engineers Day.
The Engineer's day celebration was arranged by BE students of Civil Engineering department as gratitude towards Sir M. Vishweshwarayya. The program was arranged and performed by BE students in this pandemic situation of COVID 19. Students also organized this program on Facebook live of college page so that it is visible to the larger crowd. Capt. Ramizraj Shaikh from Indigo airlines was the guest for this program where students had a chance to interact with him. Dr. R. S. Deshpande, (Principal) Dr. A.W. Dhawale (VP) Dr. N. V. Khadake (HoD Civil Engineering department) and all faculty members attended this program.
Conduction :
The event was arranged by the BE student’s team of Civil engineering department, ICOER Wagholi.
Guest Details:
Capt. Ramizraj Shaikh from Indigo airlines. Qualification:
Academic-- 1)BSc in Aviation from Mumbai University
2)MBA in operations management
Technical-- 1) Airline Transport Pilots License
2) Flight Radio Telephony operator license
3) Rated on Boeing 737NG and Airbus 320
Age: 33
Event was started with Speech of BE students. The event was totally interactive with Captain Ramiraj Shaikh. Captain Ramiraj Shaikh motivated to students for their brighter career also interacted with him.
Students & Faculty response & participation :
Dr. R. S. Deshpande, (Principal) Dr. A.W. Dhawale (VP) Dr. N. V. Khadake (HoD Civil Engineering department, all faculty members and all SE, TE and BE students attended this program.


Date of the Event : 5th September 2020
Time of the Event: 12.00 Noon Onwards
Venue of the Event : Online : ZOOM Meeting
Teacher's Day Celebration was organized by Dept. of civil engineering students for Teachers on 5th September 2020.
Teacher's Day celebration was totally arranged by the students of Civil Engineering department. Though in this pandemic situation of COVID 19 students thought to be thankful towards the teachers. As gratitude they arranged class wise celebration of Teacher's Day under the guidance of their class teachers. Students from SE, TE and BE has arranged this program successfully. Teachers and students enjoyed the program at their space maintain proper distance.
Conduction :
The event was arranged by the students team of Civil engineering department, ICOER Wagholi.
Guest Details:
nDr. N.V. Khadake (HOD Civil Dept ) and all staff members of Dept. of civil engineering are the chief guest for the program.
Event was started with Speech of BE students. The event was full of enjoyment. The whole program was covered with grateful words of students for all their favorite teachers.
Students & Faculty response & participation :
Student’s participation was very enthusiastic and full of energy. All SE, TE and BE students attended the program


Date of the Event : 11-02-2020
Time of the Event: 4.00 pm Onwards
Venue of the Event : Wagheshwar lawn,Wagholi,Pune
Fresher party was organized by Dept. of civil engineering for the student on 11th Feb 2020.
Fresher party was organized for students of second year.
The main purpose behind organizing this event was to interact with senior students of third and final year students. And to create healthy environment among students.
Conduction :
The event was arranged by the students team of Civil engineering department, ICOER Wagholi.
Guest Details:
Dr. R. S. Deshpande (Principal ICOER), Dr.N.V. Khadake (HOD Civil Dept ) and all staff members of Dept. of civil engineering are the chief guest for the program.
Event was started with lighting of lamp and Saraswati poojan. The event was full of enjoyment. There are many singing and dancing programs organized for students. Miss fresher’s and Mr. Fresher was selected for this year.
Students & Faculty response & participation :
Students participation was very enthusiastic and full of energy. Total approx. 450 students were present for the function. They enjoyed singing and sports. The hall was full of students and faculty members. The audience enjoyed the whole program till end.


A teacher is a friend, philosopher, and guide who holds our hand, opens our mind, and touches our heart. The contribution of a teacher cannot be ignored at all. In many countries across the world, teacher's day is a special day where teachers of schools, colleges, and universities are honored specially. The date varies from country to country. The universally accepted World Teacher's Day is 5th September.
Why do We Celebrate?
Teaching is the most influential job in the world. Teachers are known to shape the mind of youth and without knowledge no one can exist in this world. Teacher imparts good value in children and turns them into responsible citizens. In Department of Civil Engineering, the teacher day is always celebrated with full of joy, energy, happiness, and fun.


Department of Civil Engineering organizes fresher’s party the fresher’s every year. The main aim of this party is to give a warm welcome to the new comers. Such parties not only build their confidence but also add creativity to their levels. It is accompanied with so many colourful events and programs like traditional, fusion, and western dances, exhilarating singing performances, and splendid decoration, thus making it a soulful evening.
Moreover, these types of celebrations help juniors to mingle with seniors and form a splendid co-ordination. This leads to a better understanding among all and a feeling of co-operation is fostered. Teachers play an imperative role in students' lives. They actively participate and guide the students towards a successful event. It is integrated with hard work, dedication and understanding among the leaders and the team members. Students enjoy a fun evening with their peers and reminiscence the good time spent with each other. The event creates many memories for the first year students and their seniors alike, with an array of cultural programs.>


On 23rd March 2018 we have celebrated Shaheed Din in association with Wanguards Foundation. We celebrated Shaheed Diwas every year on March 23 to pay homage to the victims who fought for the freedom, glory, welfare and progress of India. Fifteen countries in the world including India, celebrate Martyrs' Day to give respect to their freedom fighters.
We are celebrating this day in the memories of our great freedom fighters, Bhagat singh , Sukhdev Thapar and Shivram Rajguru.
This event always starts with the candle march. Then the Photo pujan and lightning of lamp will be done. We also arranging Elocution Competition on this day.

Contact Us

Head Of Department Moodle Coordinator
Dr. Navanath V. Khadake
Head, Department of Civil Engineering
020-67335100(Ext. 248),9422470597,8668265909
Prof. Vijay P. Bhusare
Assistant Professor
T & P Coordinator Website Coordinator
Prof. Kuldip Patil
Assistant Professor
Prof. Rahul B. Kesarkar
Assistant Professor

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