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JSPM's Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi   Accredited "A" Grade by NAAC

Final Evaluation

Final Evaluation

The final Assessment is conducted by the SPPU university and the university has the evaluation in two steps Online examination (objective) & INSEM, ENDSEM theory examinations (subjective) for a full credit course.

Online Examination
The SPPU will conduct an online examination for SE course. This examination will be objective in nature and shall carry a weightage of 25 marks per full credit course. Online examination shall constitute a separate head of passing for the full credit courses for which scheduled passing shall be at 30%. The online examination is conducted throughout all the two semesters of the Second Engineering course.

Theory Examination
The syllabus for each course is organized into 6 units. The end-semester University evaluation shall cover the entire syllabus prescribed for the course as IN-SEM mid semester and End-SEM at end semester. For University evaluation (Written Examination – subjective type of 70 marks) of each full credit course.

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