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JSPM's Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi   Accredited "A" Grade by NAAC

General Information

Welcome to the Central Library of JSPM's Imperial College of Engineering & Research. The main objective of central library is to provide seamless access to information to its users in a networked environment and to become a premier Learning Resource Centre in Engineering, Science & Technology and related areas. The specialized services available in the library are reference section, and reprography, inter library loan service (ILL), British Council Library (BCL), National Digital Library (NDL), information deployment and notification, download and printing facility, in-house access to e-resources, user orientation and awareness, assistance insearching databases. Library committee circulates all above specialized information, instructions and updates it to the respective departments through notices and e-mails.

Total area of the library (in Sq. Mts.) = 625 (Library +Reading room )
Total seating capacity = 150 Students


1. Entire library is primarily intended for the students & staff of this college.

2. All students are expected to maintain silence in the library.

3. Personal belongings are not allowed in stack room, reference section & digital.

4. Eatables are not allowed inside the library.

5. Students are not permitted to sit in the library during their lectures & practical hours.

6. Following things are not permitted – folding the corners of pages, marking, underlining or highlighting the content or text matter, tearing out the pages, writing with pen or pencil on pages.

7. One library card will enable the student to borrow two books at a time. And he/she will responsible for the books borrowed on his/her card.

8. Books will be issued only on production of library card. Books only issued only to library card holder & not through anybody else.

9. Ensure to get issued the books on same day for which you have placed the demand Otherwise same books will be issued to next student.

10. Book/s is issued for one week. The book/s may be reissued for another week through renewal request before ‘return due date’, if there is no demand from another student for the same book.

11. If a student fails to return book/s on return date, he/she will be liable for a fine Rs. 2/- per day per book.

12. Current issues of journals / Magazines will not be issued to student for taking outside the library. However the back issues of certain journals / magazines may issued for 2 days.

13. If book is lost by borrower or damaged to be unserviceable for future use, sum equal to the cost of procuring another copy of the book will be recovered.

14. Certain valuable / rare books / reference books will not be issued outside the library. However such books will be issued to refer in library / Reading hall only during library working hour.

15. Loss of library card should be intimated to librarian immediately in writing by mentioning their previous card details. Duplicate card will issue at the cost of Rs. 25/- after verification.

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