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JSPM's Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi   Accredited "A" Grade by NAAC

Industry Institute Interaction Cell

Industry Institute Interaction Cell

Industry Institute Interaction Cell of the institute is dedicated for strengthening the interaction between Industry and Institute. The function of the Cell is to promote closer interaction between the academic field and the professional field. Industry Institute Interaction Cell is established to provide closer links with industries. The purpose of the cell is to find out the gap between the need of the industry and end product of the institute. The cell is the bridge between the industry, the real world and the institute. Industrial exposure to Faculty is very much helpful to guide students about latest industrial practices. Industries are able to know recent developments and inventions in their fields and implement projects for technologically driven economy.

Industry Institute Interaction Cell Events

Sr.No. Event Scheduled On Completed On
1 Start of Expert Lecture Series (Department Wise) 05/08/2016 26/08/2016
2 Importance of Industry Institute Interaction lecture by MR. Prasad Deshmukh (AGM Cummins Generator) 22/08/2016 22/08/2016
3 Entrepreneur Awareness Lecture by Industrialist Mr. S S awaldar 19/09/2016 23/06/2016
4 1st Departmental Industry Advisory Board Meeting 23/12/2016 28/01/2017

DIAB 1st Meeting of A.Y.2019-20

DIAB 1st Meeting of A.Y.2019-20 conducted on 4th July 2019, in departments and Industrial expert interaction with Staff & student. Mr. B. N Praveen addresses students of all E&TC students about Industry 4.0, Compliance, ISO certification and other details about Industrial trends.

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