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JSPM's Imperial College of Engineering and Research, Wagholi   Accredited "A" Grade by NAAC

Medical Facility

Institute does have Medicinal Facility for all occupants in the campus, where as Physician is appointed to routinely visit in the Sickroom for health check-ups of students and staff. An ambulance is available in the campus for any Medical Emergency for 24X7 Hours. Institute has signed Memorandum of Understanding with Lifeline Multispecialty Hospital. Hospital offers health care Services for Students and Staff on concessional rates.
The provisions made available to students and staffs in terms of health care on the campus and off the campus are as follows:
Institute has MOU with Lifeline Hospital, Wagholi through which hospital offers concession in billing for students and staff.
Institute provides 24x7 ambulance facility in case of emergency. Institute has appointed a doctor who visits periodically to the institute for regular checkup.
The students are covered under ‘Unforeseen Calamity Scheme’ introduced by the affiliating University. Under this scheme, students who need immediate financial help in case of any sort of mishap is available.
First aid boxes are available in all laboratories and workshop.
Medical facility is available for staff and students, during working hours of the institute and even after working hours (for students residing in institute hostels). In case of emergency the patient is taken to nearby hospital by an ambulance.

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